本文共 13496 字,大约阅读时间需要 44 分钟。
最大连接, 已用连接, 剩余连接, idle in transaction连接, active连接pg_stat_bgwritershared buffer size提交比例集群大小数据库统计, 命中率, pg_stat_databasehot standby延迟剩余年龄锁等待数量锁等待时长(秒)当天产生的 pg_log 文件大小(bytes)prepared 事务数 以及 时长(秒).当前慢查询数(例如>500ms)当前最长查询时间(秒)当前最长事务空闲时间(秒)当前最长事务时间(秒)10分钟内产生wal的量(bytes)数据库状态是否正常, 返回1正常, 其他不正常.
最大连接, 已用连接, 剩余连接, idle in transaction连接, active连接select t2.max::int,t1.used,(t2.max::int-t1.used) free,t1.idle,t1.active from (select count(*) used,sum(case state when 'idle in transaction' then 1 else 0 end) idle,sum(case state when 'active' then 1 else 0 end) active from pg_stat_activity)t1,(select setting as max from pg_settings where name = 'max_connections')t2;pg_stat_bgwriterpostgres=# \d pg_stat_bgwriter View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_bgwriter" Column | Type | Modifiers -----------------------+--------------------------+----------- checkpoints_timed | bigint | checkpoints_req | bigint | checkpoint_write_time | double precision | checkpoint_sync_time | double precision | buffers_checkpoint | bigint | buffers_clean | bigint | maxwritten_clean | bigint | buffers_backend | bigint | buffers_backend_fsync | bigint | buffers_alloc | bigint | stats_reset | timestamp with time zone | shared buffer sizeselect t1.setting*t2.setting from (select setting::int8 from pg_settings where name = 'shared_buffers')t1, (select setting::int8 from pg_settings where name = 'block_size')t2;提交比例select 100*sum(xact_commit)/sum(xact_commit+xact_rollback) from pg_stat_database;集群大小select sum(pg_database_size(datname)) from pg_database;数据库统计, 命中率, pg_stat_databasepostgres=# \d pg_stat_database View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_database" Column | Type | Modifiers ----------------+--------------------------+----------- datid | oid | datname | name | numbackends | integer | xact_commit | bigint | xact_rollback | bigint | blks_read | bigint | blks_hit | bigint | tup_returned | bigint | tup_fetched | bigint | tup_inserted | bigint | tup_updated | bigint | tup_deleted | bigint | conflicts | bigint | temp_files | bigint | temp_bytes | bigint | deadlocks | bigint | blk_read_time | double precision | blk_write_time | double precision | stats_reset | timestamp with time zone | hot standby延迟postgres=# \d pg_stat_replication View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_replication" Column | Type | Modifiers ------------------+--------------------------+----------- pid | integer | usesysid | oid | usename | name | application_name | text | client_addr | inet | client_hostname | text | client_port | integer | backend_start | timestamp with time zone | state | text | sent_location | text | write_location | text | flush_location | text | replay_location | text | sync_priority | integer | sync_state | text | select max(pg_xlog_location_diff(pg_current_xlog_location(),flush_location)) from pg_stat_replication;剩余年龄select min(2000000000-age(datfrozenxid)) from pg_database;锁等待数量select count(*) from pg_stat_activity where waiting;锁等待时长(秒)select max(trunc(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM now()-query_start))) inter from pg_stat_activity where waiting;当天产生的 pg_log 文件大小(bytes)postgres=# select sum((pg_stat_file(file)).size) from (select dir||'/'||pg_ls_dir(dir) as file from (select setting as dir from pg_settings where name='log_directory') t)t where (pg_stat_file(file)).change>=current_date; sum -------- 722653(1 row)postgres=# select pg_ls_dir('/tmp');ERROR: absolute path not allowed如果使用绝对路径, 建议将pg_log软连接.prepared 事务数 以及 时长(秒).select count(*),max(trunc(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM now()-prepared))) inter from pg_prepared_xacts;当前慢查询数(例如>500ms)select count(*) from pg_stat_activity where now()-query_start>interval '0.5 s' and state='active';当前最长查询时间(s)select max(trunc(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM now()-query_start))) from pg_stat_activity where state='active';当前最长事务空闲时间select max(trunc(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM now()-xact_start))) from pg_stat_activity where state='idle in transaction';当前最长事务时间select max(trunc(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM now()-xact_start))) from pg_stat_activity where state='idle in transaction' or state='active';10分钟内产生wal的量(bytes)select sum((pg_stat_file(file)).size) from (select 'pg_xlog/'||pg_ls_dir('pg_xlog') as file)t where now()-(pg_stat_file(file)).change<=interval '10 min';数据库状态是否正常, 返回1正常, 其他不正常.postgres=# select function(); ?column? ---------- 1(1 row)自定义一个函数, 处理一些逻辑, 例如 : https://github.com/digoal/sky_postgresql_cluster/raw/master/INSTALL.txt
在 db_curs.close()前加入 # PostgreSQL cluster xacts remain db_curs.execute( 'select min(2000000000-age(datfrozenxid)) from pg_database;') results = db_curs.fetchall() pg_xacts_remain = results[0] pg_metrics.update({'Pypg_xacts_remain':pg_xacts_remain[0]})并在metric_init(params)函数的 descriptors 字典末尾中加入metric的描述. {'name':'Pypg_hours_since_last_analyze','units':'hours','slope':'both','description':'PG hours since last analyze'}, # 加入: {'name':'Pypg_xacts_remain','units':'xact','slope':'both','description':'PG xacts remain'}]postgres.pyconf 添加需要采样的metric配置 :
metric { name = "Pypg_xacts_remain" title = "Postgres Cluster xacts Remain" value_threshold = 0 }将postgres.py和postgres.pyconf拷贝到配置指定的相应位置, 并重启gmond.
[root@db-172-16-3-221 soft_bak]# cat /opt/ganglia-core-3.6.0/etc/conf.d/modpython.conf /* params - path to the directory where mod_python should look for python metric modules the "pyconf" files in the include directory below will be scanned for configurations for those modules*/modules { module { name = "python_module" path = "modpython.so" params = "/opt/ganglia-core-3.6.0/lib64/ganglia/python_modules" }}include ("/opt/ganglia-core-3.6.0/etc/conf.d/*.pyconf")[root@db-172-16-3-221 soft_bak]# ll /opt/ganglia-core-3.6.0/lib64/ganglia/python_modules/postgres.py-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11466 Sep 24 13:51 /opt/ganglia-core-3.6.0/lib64/ganglia/python_modules/postgres.py[root@db-172-16-3-221 soft_bak]# ll /opt/ganglia-core-3.6.0/etc/conf.d/postgres.pyconf -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4183 Sep 24 13:52 /opt/ganglia-core-3.6.0/etc/conf.d/postgres.pyconf配置pyconf的数据库连接参数 : modules { module { name = "postgres" language = "python" param host { value = "" } param port { value = "5432" } param dbname { value = "postgres" } param username { value = "postgres" } param password { value = "postgres" } }}验证metric是否正常, 如果遇到如下错误, 可能是这个模块依赖的库没有安装 :
[root@db-172-16-3-221 conf.d]# gmond -m[PYTHON] Can't import the metric module [postgres].Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/ganglia-core-3.6.0/lib64/ganglia/python_modules/postgres.py", line 1, in以上问题的解决办法 :import psycopg2ImportError: No module named psycopg2
# wget http://www.psycopg.org/psycopg/tarballs/PSYCOPG-2-5/psycopg2-2.5.4.tar.gz# tar -zxvf psycopg2-2.5.4.tar.gz# cd psycopg2-2.5.4# python ./setup.py install接下来的这个问题是没有加载libpq库.
[root@db-172-16-3-221 psycopg2-2.5.4]# gmond -m[PYTHON] Can't import the metric module [postgres].Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/ganglia-core-3.6.0/lib64/ganglia/python_modules/postgres.py", line 1, in加载即可import psycopg2 File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/psycopg2/__init__.py", line 50, in from psycopg2._psycopg import BINARY, NUMBER, STRING, DATETIME, ROWIDImportError: libpq.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
# vi /etc/ld.so.conf/opt/pgsql/lib# ldconfig# ldconfig -p|grep libpq libpqwalreceiver.so (libc6,x86-64) => /opt/pgsql/lib/libpqwalreceiver.so libpq.so.5 (libc6,x86-64) => /opt/pgsql/lib/libpq.so.5 libpq.so (libc6,x86-64) => /opt/pgsql/lib/libpq.so现在可以正常查看这些新增的metric了.
# gmond -m|grep PyPypg_hours_since_last_vacuum PG hours since last vacuum (module python_module)Pypg_blks_memread PG Blocks Read from Memory (module python_module)Pypg_inserts PG Inserts (module python_module)Pypg_waiting_sessions PG Waiting Sessions Blocked (module python_module)Pypg_longest_query PG Longest Query in Seconds (module python_module)Pypg_bgwriter_buffers_clean PG number of buffers written by the background writer (module python_module)Pypg_locks_otherexclusive PG Exclusive Locks write blocking (module python_module)Pypg_bgwriter_buffers_alloc PG number of buffers allocated (module python_module)Pypg_bgwriter_checkpoint_write_time PG time to write checkpoints to disk (module python_module)Pypg_deletes PG Deletes (module python_module)Pypg_bgwriter_checkpoints_req PG unscheduled checkpoints (module python_module)Pypg_longest_xact PG Longest Transaction in Seconds (module python_module)Pypg_locks_shared PG Shared Locks NON blocking (module python_module)Pypg_active_sessions PG Active Sessions (module python_module)Pypg_bgwriter_buffers_checkpoint PG number of buffers written during checkpoint (module python_module)Pypg_transactions PG Transactions (module python_module)Pypg_locks_accessexclusive PG AccessExclusive Locks read write blocking (module python_module)Pypg_tup_idxfetch PG Tuples fetched from indexes (module python_module)Pypg_reads PG Reads (module python_module)Pypg_bgwriter_checkpoints_timed PG scheduled checkpoints (module python_module)Pypg_blks_diskread PG Blocks Read from Disk (module python_module)Pypg_idle_sessions PG Idle Sessions (module python_module)Pypg_updates PG Updates (module python_module)Pypg_bgwriter_checkpoint_sync_time PG time to sync checkpoints to disk (module python_module)Pypg_xacts_remain PG xacts remain (module python_module)Pypg_tup_seqscan PG Tuples sequentially scanned (module python_module)Pypg_hours_since_last_analyze PG hours since last analyze (module python_module)Pypg_idle_in_transaction_sessions PG Idle In Transaction Sessions (module python_module)Pypg_bgwriter_buffers_backend PG number of buffers written directly by a backend (module python_module)gmond -f 在前台执行, 可以看到一些问题, 如下 :
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/ganglia-core-3.6.0/lib64/ganglia/python_modules/postgres.py", line 168, in metric_handler pg_metrics = pg_metrics_queries() File "/opt/ganglia-core-3.6.0/lib64/ganglia/python_modules/postgres.py", line 20, in deco self.last_value = func(*args, **kwds) File "/opt/ganglia-core-3.6.0/lib64/ganglia/python_modules/postgres.py", line 149, in pg_metrics_queries hours_since_vacuum = int(pg_stat_table_values[2])TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'[PYTHON] Can't call the metric handler function for [Pypg_xacts_remain] in the python module [postgres].这是由于 extract(epoch from now() - min(last_vacuum))::int/60/60 空值引起的.
digoal=# select sum(seq_tup_read), sum(idx_tup_fetch), digoal-# extract(epoch from now() - min(last_vacuum))::int/60/60, digoal-# extract(epoch from now() - min(last_analyze))::int/60/60 digoal-# from pg_stat_all_tables; sum | sum | ?column? | ?column? -----------+----------+----------+---------- 152919588 | 17332093 | | 937(1 row)处理方法 :
hours_since_vacuum = int(pg_stat_table_values[2])改成 hours_since_vacuum = int(pg_stat_table_values[2] or 0)